Map Ranking

XX Valeria Victrix

Tribe name:XX Valeria Victrix
Number of members:11
Points of the best 12 players2.827.816
Total points:2.827.816
Average points:257.074
Opponents defeated: 19.075.013 (3.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Old Warrior (Baron Old Parrott) 1 1,125,761 5 131
Logan 2 542,389 11 58
iaia20 3 433,870 15 48
scottishhero 4 394,488 18 41
Unholytyrant 5 123,349 35 13
Inkweaver 6 74,663 46 12
Jan6891 7 72,599 49 7
Stoep Ballz 8 20,077 83 3
IamBanksy 9 16,874 88 2
Hecticflames 10 13,727 94 2
PirahnaGCG 11 10,019 125 1
SPQR was founded by il bulletto. If you have questions please contact il bulletto.

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