Map Ranking


Opponents defeated: 69.142 (36.)
Tribe: RP-1

Villages (11) Coordinates Points
001 Zero
464|504 305
002 Zero
463|498 549
003 Zero
489|507 7.499
004 Zero
484|506 9.294
005 Zero
484|507 7.906
006 Zero
485|511 5.178
007 Zero
472|499 2.985
008 Zero
472|500 4.532
009 Zero
494|506 10.971
010 Zero
484|509 7.967
011 Zero
474|505 4.610
Personal picture
Victory achievements
Not on my watch

As a supporter, you defeated the most opponents on World 51.

Master of Battle

You defeated the most opponents on World 55.


As an attacker, you defeated the most opponents on World 55.

Winning Tribe

You vanquished World 51 with your tribe The Betrayed.

Winning Tribe

You vanquished World 55 with your tribe Dominance Dilemma.

Winning Tribe

You vanquished World 57 with your tribe Lizard Squad.

Winning Tribe

You vanquished World 59 with your tribe Breaking Bad.

Winning Tribe

You vanquished World 64 with your tribe Squirtle Squad.

Winning Tribe

You vanquished Casual 11 with your tribe The Outcasts.

Winning Tribe

You vanquished World 69 with your tribe Ereptile Dysfunction.

Social achievements
The mentor (Gold - Level 4)

As a mentor, train 8 apprentices.